About Uncle Jed

When he was 11 yrs old, Jed was at a country fair in Northern Minnesota and saw a blacksmith doing a demonstration.  Jed stood there for over an hour watching the old blacksmith work the steel, and was amazed at the process. 
In the spring of ’16, Jed was up at his family's property in Blackduck, MN, on seasonal layoff. Too early in the year to hop on his Harley and go for a trip, he decided to build himself a forge to see what blacksmithing was like. He spent the next few months mostly working on getting the forge he’d built out of an old wash tub to do its job, going up to the cabin on the weekends to try something new.  He made his first knife in Oct. of ’16. The feeling he had holding it in his hand was indescribable. The knife was ugly and barely straight, but it was beautiful, and it held its edge after he tested. He felt something he’d not felt in a few years, not since his time in the Marines: pride. Holding that ugly knife in his hands, he knew that that’s what he wanted to do, bladesmithing.
He went full-time as a bladesmith in Jan of ’19, and stays very busy creating his "inventory knives," and custom hunting knives, cutlery and chefs' knives, and swords. But Jed is, as is any artist and craftsman, never satisfied and is constantly working to perfect his craft. 
He grew up in Northern Minnesota, and spent his youth hunting, fishing, and in the woods building shelters where he could spend the nights. He went through several different knives and he learned the importance of a good blade. He now makes the knives he wished he’d had growing up.  And always striving for perfection.
All of Uncle Jed's knives are guaranteed for life--providing they're not used for jack handles or pry bars--with lifetime sharpening.  His fillet knives are all handmade so the flex will vary from knife to knife.